Two notes LiveStream – Ask Dr Pille !

At Two notes, we’re committed to developing the best gear and providing you with all the information you need to make sure you get the best out of it! But it doesn’t stop there. This year, we’re embarking on a mission where you can pick-the-brains of our esteemed leader, CEO of Two notes, innovator and driving force behind the concept of DynIR – Dr. Guillaume Pille! Two notes originally started out to solve a problem: How to record a tube amp at acceptable and sociable sound levels.
The solution: Two notes’ Torpedo series. A line of products that allow players to record and play their amps right at the sweet spot. No more getting shut down, evicted or divorced, and the perfect solution for maintaining diplomatic relations with your neighbours. Starting this Friday, 25th March, 2022 at 5pm (GMT, 6pm CET, 12pm EST, 9am PST), we’re opening the floor to you all. During our inaugural Ask Dr Pille Live stream, you can ask Guillaume anything you like about DynIR, the history of DynIR, impulse responses and how everything came about to give you the Two notes ecosystem you enjoy today.We will be “opening the floor” to questions in our Community Group on Facebook a few days before the stream , and of course you will be able to ask anything in real time during the stream. Our host (Two notes Communities Manager, Jason) will also be selecting your questions on the fly! So, if you’ve always wanted to know what went on the mind of Guillaume at the very start, what has driven him through the years of product development, and of course what his vision of the future of this amazing technology looks like, now is the time to get involved!